25751: سیستم‌های مخابراتی 
نام درس: سیستم‌های مخابراتی (Communication Systems)
شماره درس: 25751
پیش‌نیاز(ها): 25732 (آمار و احتمال مهندسی) و 25742 (سیگنال‌ها و سیستم‌ها)
هم‌نیاز(ها): -
تعداد واحد: 3
مقطع: کارشناسی

هدف این درس آشنایی دانشجویان با سیستم‌های مخابراتی و نویز در این سیستم‌ها، مدولاسیون‌های پیوسته‌درزمان و آشنایی اولیه با مدولاسیون‌های پالس و دیجیتال است.

  • Introduction to communication systems
    • Basic concepts of a communication system
    • Analog and digital messages
    • Channel effects
  • Analysis and Transmission of Signals
    • The Fourier Transform
    • Properties of the Fourier Transform
    • Fourier Transforms of Periodic Signals
    • Transmission of Signals Through Linear Systems
    • Power and Energy Signals
    • Signal bandwidth
    • Signal Distortion Over a Communication Channel
      • Linear Distortion
      • Distortion Caused by Multipath Effects
      • Fading Channels
      • Distortion Caused by Channel Nonlinearities
    • Link Power Budget Analysis
    • Ideal Versus Practical Filters
    • Hilbert Transform
    • Correlation and Spectral Density: Energy Signals
    • Correlation and Spectral Density: Power Signals
  • Amplitude Modulation and Demodulation
    • Concept of Amplitude Modulation
    • Double Sideband-Suppressed Carrier Modulation
    • DSB Coherent Detection
    • Need for Synchronization in Coherent Detection
    • Costas Receive
    • Single-Sideband Modulation
    • Baseband Representation of Modulated Waves and Band-Pass Filters
  • Angle Modulation
    • Basic Definitions
    • Properties of Angle-Modulated Waves
    • Relationship between PM and FM Waves
    • Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation
    • Wide-Band Frequency Modulation
    • Transmission Bandwidth of FM Waves
    • Demodulation of FM Signals
    • Frequency Division Multiplexing
    • Phase Locked Loop
  • Digitization of Analog Source Signals
    • Sampling theorem
    • Signal Reconstruction from Uniform Samples
    • Practical Issues in Signal Sampling and Reconstruction
    • Quantization
    • Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)
    • Digital Telephony: PCM IN T1/E1 SYSTEMS
    • Source Coding: Vocoders and Video Compression
  • Principles of Digital Data Transmission
    • Digital Communication Systems
    • Baseband Line Coding
      • Polar Signaling
      • On-Off Signaling
      • Bipolar Signaling
    • Pulse Shaping
      • Intersymbol Interferences (ISI)
      • Nyquist’s First Criterion for Zero ISI
      • Controlled ISI or Partial Response Signaling
    • Eye Diagrams
    • PAM: M-ARY Baseband Signaling
    • Digital Passband Systems
      • Basic Binary Passband Modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK)
      • PSD of Digital Passband Modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK)
      • Detection of Digital Passband Modulations (ASK, PSK, FSK)
    • M-ARY Digital Passband Modulation
      • M-ary ASK and Noncoherent Detection
      • M-ary PSK, PAM, and QAM
      • Mapping of Digitally Modulated Waveforms onto Constellations of Signal Points
    • Digital Receivers
      • Detection Error
      • Simple BER analysis of a digital receiver (2-level PAM) using vector representation of signal and noise
  • Multiple Access Control
    • Time Division Multiple Access Control (TDMA)
    • Frequency Division Multiple Access Control (FDMA)
    • Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
    • Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)
    • Random Access Techniques
      • ALOHA
      • Carrier Sense Multiple Access
    • Applications in Mobile Communication Systems and Wireless/Wired Local Area Networks

  • B. P. Lathi and Z. Ding, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2019
  • S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2007
  • A. Bruce Carlson and Paul B. Crilly, Communication Systems, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2009
  • A. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011

آخرین به‌روزرسانی: 11 / 2 / 1403